Glassdoor aggregates real information provided by real employees.
Why do I like it? Unlike, sites like glassdoor provides a smooth interface and transparent relay of the current data back to the user. It is 100% free. Based upon your employment information open jobs from will source on your screen. Where many sites contain individual elements that glassdoor has, only glassdoor does all of them well. I have used the site with success in the past and encourage you to as well.
So should you really trust all the reviews? He is glassdoor's response,
“We require our users to verify their account via email before their posts are available to other users. This verification allows us to put measures in place to help identify suspicious users or posts (even if those cases are the exception rather than the rule). These measures, combined with an active employee community and our commitment to review every post before it appears on the site, allow us to have confidence that our information is really from the employees.”
There are three major sections:
Salary, Review, and Interviews. To gain access beyond a couple clicks simply complete a request for information about your current or past positions.
Salary provides detail by title and location. This is invaluable information when negotiating salary. If others with the same title make $Y in your city you can likely bet your offer will be in the ballpark. You also need to ensure that you do not price yourself too high when speaking to a prospective employer. Furthermore, it is interesting to see the income disparity if you are considering relocation to another city. Salary also provides bonus and profit sharing breakdown.
Review will provide you with what actual employees think about the firm you are exploring. Cultural fit is key to job satisfaction so take time to read reviews to see if your goals are aligned with other employees.
Interview is the most valuable resource for prospective employees. This is where you may research actual questions being asked at a company you are interviewing at. This can also be valuable to see where the industry trends are headed based upon hiring manager queries.